I would be tempted to go with the defense of Qualcomm like this:
Apple might be our real competitor, with whom we actually have to compete and their loss is our gain, unlike the small fish that swim around us. This competitor we do not wish to aid, so, we are giving it our work and IP at higher price because if we must sell out our soul, it should provide more return, to compensate having to aid our direct competitor that we don't even like. Next time they should build the wheel all over again and hope to compete with our superior version, or go die in a fire.
This is my anti-apple stance speaking, since it brings the gut feeling that the system is being arranged so that you cannot even refuse collaboration with entities of direct competition. Maybe one should not be allowed to refuse service in the market. Maybe one should. But Apple definitively is one big litigation mess of a company, with whom if you don't collaborate in the submissive stance you get mistreated.