Qualcomm's Chipset to Eliminate Cell Band Fragmentation

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You know what they say; if it sounds to good to be true... or rather if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck... then you bring your 20 gauge and some buckshot rounds.
You mean "someone" didn't patent this already....... 😛

And this is a GREAT thing to enable people to take their phones with them, even here in the US between carriers.
This is good, especially since carriers like Verizon refuse to admit that the rest of the world uses GSM, not CDMA.
Oh my god this is just beyond awesome!
One day (hopefully soon) I can buy a REAL PHONE and use it my Sprint network and not get stuck with the crappy nerfed down stuff they're currently packing?!
Call me skeptical. 1.) How many future models will actually incorporate this and 2.) how easy will it be for carriers to lock out any frequencies their networks don't support? For example, I could see Verizon demanding a locked-down version of this chip from OEMs or simply refusing to carry any phones with all the frequencies enabled.
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