Hey guys, I just finished my build and now my roommates are wanting a desktop of their own. I'm currently trying to build one on part picker for my engineer buddy. He won't game on this much if at all. So I'm just looking for something quick and powerful for when he uses CAD and other software.
Budget is 550
This is was I have so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Cpeden7/saved/HY7bt6
I didn't put a gpu because I was going to ask if you guys thought one was needed. Also I think my psu is too much and I may have to cut out the ssd
Budget is 550
This is was I have so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Cpeden7/saved/HY7bt6
I didn't put a gpu because I was going to ask if you guys thought one was needed. Also I think my psu is too much and I may have to cut out the ssd