Question about cheap laptops


Dec 14, 2013
I got to thinking why do $200-$300 laptops pile on the HDD and CPU gravy but forget about the graphics? so i was wondering is there a laptop in that range that cuts down on those to compensate with a higher grade GPU? it seems to make sense for a cheap gaming portable doesn't it?
Almost all laptops less than $300 have a sub-standard CPU - you really need to get to the $400 - $600 range to get a good CPU. To get anything other than onboard graphics (Intel HD Graphics or AMD graphics), you need to get to the $900+ range. I haven't found a decent NEW laptop under $800 with a GPU upgrade in it....

same could be said about the CPU too, but they're in there, its just swapping one for another...

lower demanding games typically require more GPU power than CPU right? so if they cut some features and kept only essentials like wifi, USB, minimal CPU power and 200-250GB with maybe 2-3GB DDR3 it would allow some squish for graphics. there has to be a market for lower-end gaming and people that don't want to spend $400-500 just to play LoL or Combat Arms on the go... Even if it's not a huge there must be some market for it...
True squirtle2, but most cpu's now are reasonably fast, even the slower ones could run a mid ranged card at laptop resolutions. It's not so the other way around as much because the lower end GPU's really suck and are just there so you have a picture.
I think that kind of market for people that want really cheap hardware is taken up now by:

Sales of used laptops, and consoles

there may indeed be a market for the computer that is cheap and can game, but I think companies don't want to lower that bar because of greed, and raising it back up would be much harder if cheap gaming laptops caught on.


From what I hear used laptops in that range are still not great for gaming.. and if we're not talking refurbished they typically have bad rep for virus infections or something else.. but I suppose it could be greed as you suggest.. if portable gaming wasn't niche someone should of stepped in by now to change it, doesn't seem to be the case though.

Oh well.