Question about choosing RAM


Jan 6, 2018
Hello, thanks for clicking in this thread. I have a simple question but as a tech potato i still need help. I have a laptop that use 4GB Crucial 2400mhz DDR4 CT4G4SFS824A CL17 single-channel and i want to replace it with 8GB DDR4 Team Elite 2400mhz CL16 single-channel. My question is, do i need to perform a fresh windows install and will the difference Cas Latency between Ram do harm to my hardware? Thanks in advance!
No all would be well just by swapping out the ram, don't mix the two though (very bad to mix and match ram that is not identical in every way). One thing I would recommend though is getting a dual channel kit. Why cut your ram performance in half and hinder your CPU? Get a 2x4GB kit. You'll be much happier with the performance IMHO.
Question from kubis : "Question about choosing ram"