L Luke Stu Honorable May 5, 2013 5 0 10,510 May 5, 2013 #1 Sorry, I am reposting but i redid my build and was wondering if it works well and if you have suggestions. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Vgeu
Sorry, I am reposting but i redid my build and was wondering if it works well and if you have suggestions. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Vgeu
S SprinkleOwnz-1312988 Honorable May 2, 2013 86 0 10,630 May 5, 2013 #2 it looks fine to me Upvote 0 Downvote
L Luke Stu Honorable May 5, 2013 5 0 10,510 May 5, 2013 #3 SprinkleOwnz-1312988 : it looks fine to me Alright thank you. Upvote 0 Downvote
E elfmaslana Honorable Apr 19, 2013 174 0 10,710 May 5, 2013 #4 Yes although I suggest upgrading to an i5 processor and a greater power supply ( focus more on the psu of the two suggestions ) Upvote 0 Downvote
Yes although I suggest upgrading to an i5 processor and a greater power supply ( focus more on the psu of the two suggestions )
L Luke Stu Honorable May 5, 2013 5 0 10,510 May 5, 2013 #5 elfmaslana : Yes although I suggest upgrading to an i5 processor and a greater power supply ( focus more on the psu of the two suggestions ) What i5 and PSU would you reccomend? Upvote 0 Downvote
elfmaslana : Yes although I suggest upgrading to an i5 processor and a greater power supply ( focus more on the psu of the two suggestions ) What i5 and PSU would you reccomend?
S SprinkleOwnz-1312988 Honorable May 2, 2013 86 0 10,630 May 5, 2013 #6 i would get a i5-3570k and http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cx500 for the psu Upvote 0 Downvote
E elfmaslana Honorable Apr 19, 2013 174 0 10,710 May 5, 2013 #7 He took the "words right out of my mouth." Upvote 0 Downvote