Question about cpu's


Oct 1, 2015
ok so im upgrading my old pc its a As Rock 785gxh/128 I'm going from 4 gigs of ram to 10 can go up to 16 im running windows 7 on a 64 bit system it has the AMD Athlon II X2 260 3.2 GHz and a gt640 GPU. My question is I can get these for about the same amount of money and I wanted to know what one was better. This one AMD Athlon II X4 645 3.1 GHz Quad-Core Processor CPU 95W AM3 . Or AMD Quad Core CPU Athlon II-X4 640 3.0GHz Socket AM3. They are with in 5 bucks of each other and I just wanted some insight and thanks.
It's a price/performance decision. The 645 is 3.3% or so faster, is it less than 3.3% more expensive? (it would need to cost more than $150 for this to be so.) The difference in performance will be imperceptible in most cases.

They are essentially the same chip, with one being binned a little higher and capable of slightly better performance.