So my ISP is Comcast and in my area they give me an allowance of 125 gbs every month and then add 10$ for every 50gb. MY question is, if i get ddosed will say 125gbs every second. Would my internet bill go through the roof?
1: Are you talking GigaBytes or Gigabits?
2: Are you saying 125 Giga____per second?
3: Google it.
Sorry for not being clear enough what i meant was Gigabytes, and that i would be hit with 125 GBPS and my ISP only alows 125 gigabytes allowance with 10$ per 50GB after that
Lets say you have a 20mbit connection. The ISP will likely only charge you for traffic at that rate since they will drop anything above that. ...some ISP are greedy assholes so you can't be sure. Still even at 20mbit you can eat 9gbyte a hour so someone could hit your cap and cost you money.
All someone needs to do is send at 20mbit to disrupt you, if they were to send higher it just cost them more money and if they send at the rates you talk about the ISP firewall will detect it and they will work with other ISP to block it.
Still DoS is some magic boogeyman that everyone seems to be afraid of. Mostly it is the script kiddies who don't bother to learn and think it is trivial to do that claim they can run DoS against someone.
So lets say I want to DoS you with a brute force send too much data attack to your IP. Lets say we both have 20m down 5m up plans. That means I will DoS myself when I hit the 5m upload limit on my connection. You will never receive more than 5m. So now lets say I have a google fiber connection that can send 1g up. Sure now I can DoS you BUT almost all ISP have disabled the ability to spoof ip addresses so if I do it enough they can track it back to me and the ISP will just refuse to sell me the nice 1g maybe I lose all ability to get internet. Not really worth the risk
Actual DoS attacks are done from botnets. These require someone to design malware or virus to take control of many machines. This is not something you can just run some script for since all the older malware/virus are detected by the firewalls/malware in the OS or with add on tools.
The people that actually have the skills to create these botnets are not going to do all that work just to attack someone. Almost all are done to make money. They sell access to this network and since the more it is used the more likely the malware/virus will be detected and machines patches to prevent it. They charge a lot of money to use the botnet because of the short life.
Pretty much for someone to really DoS they have to get their credit card out and pay lots of money. Most people are not mad enough at someone to pay to do this for very long.
I suspect if you were to turn off your router/modem the traffic would be dropped at the ISP main router and they would not charge you.