Question Question about emails that has been hampered

Oct 22, 2024

I hope this question is okej, it is my doing some newbie investigation of something.

I know how this sounds like, but it is the truth. I have been struggling and struggling to survive this and when I quit I did not have any clue why people started to really hate me.

Now I have been investigaing my emails and important mails have been tampered.

So the purpose is to create a conflict. At start everything was fine but after like 12 days my two bosses really was giving me the eye. And I never got into troubles in any other job

I was wondering two things. One is - is it possible in any way to get the ip-adress or something else from the email-header before it gets cut off. Like a live tracing? I did research, could not find any.

All the mails sent from one emplyee to the other always takes like 60 seconds. All other are sent och delivered within 1 second - like it should be. Any ideas? I have a couple but are more based on that he is documenting every new mail from her since they will be important for him to keep track of my reply

I feel like I always write something that is not allowed in these forums. I hope I did not mess up and my intentions are just the best. Or at least try to proof what I am innocent.

And why they someone decide to wanna hurt me? I have a very good reason and its not tied to me and my skills as a teacher, but what I am.

A couple of mentions.

First course of action on this unlikely road would be for you to save and/or print every email or document that you reply to before hitting send.

The other aspect, and I hope you don't take this wrong, but if you continue to have this feeling you may wish to contact your health care provider. Stuff like this can be a sign of significant mental health problems. I don't say to belittle or to make light of your plight, but this could be far more serious than a suspicion.

Thank you for your concern, but I am fine really. But yes, it is stressfull. But I am making things up, I do have the emails in front from me.
But the case is so insane that if I would be insane I would never be able to come up with this crap.

I am though considering different ways of dealing with this. But after talking to authorities and such it seems the only way is to gather some more evidence and then go the police.

They also owe me money because they have been cheating with the contracts.

So yes, it is a mess but at the end of the day its a matter of money I suppose. And the dignity of being able to get what is yours. Right now I know they are fixing emails so they can claim they explained to me why the cancelled the contract, because thats what they have to do to cancel it - give me a good reason that is. They did not, but in a few weeks it could very well be that they did. A month ago. On the mail.

On the other hand - I am not sure that is possible. I mean - there must be a way to proof that the email was sent much later then claimed.

I dont know, but it is mess. But its true :)
The reason I mentioned the mental health aspect is as a result of watching one of my aunts go through dementia. We can watch her do something and a few minutes later she us upset because she doesn't know "who did that".

I would think that this is a situation you need to stop posting about and contact a lawyer with any proof you have.