Question about fan AMD FX(tm)-8350

Feb 26, 2018
So I was a fool and didn't see the information about how bad the AMD FX ( tm)-8350 fan is. Its just really loud. Is it possible to get just a new case fan and not a whole new cooling system. People suggest me to get the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO - CPU Cool. I'm new to adding parts to my own PC and adding a new cooling system is scary to me. Is it possible for me to just buy a new fan case since that's whats being loud?
The deepcool gammaxx 300 if its available to you is a very good cooler , normally pretty cheap , will work fine with an 8350 if you're not overclocking & takes about 30 seconds to fit.
212 evo should do a good job at defaults and some low OC. Adding a case fan would not solve the loudness problem.
One of these is even better substitute if you can get it. Cheaper and a bit better cooling, also lower and may be better fit for most cases.
^ virtually silent compared to the stock amd cooler.

Very very similar to the lc cooler Countmike listed but the gammaxx is a lot easier to find

The gammaxx 400 is quieter still , but its more expensive & a lot bigger - there are many smaller cases it wont fit .

It still usea the same easy fit stock amd mounting system though.

Whats your case model ??

Practically anything is better than that crappy OEM. As for silence, bigger is better because fans can run at lower speed. AMD Wraith coolers are also something t oconsider, specially ones coming with Ryzen but some decent ones came with some latest FX processors as OEM and many have got rid of them because of OC otherwise they were fine without OC. Could be found for little money.
Well, as most aftermarket coolers, at least larger ones, must have a backplate behind MB to hold the weight anf not bend MB. That means having access to the back of MB. Many cases have an opening in the back, on the sheet metal that holds MB so there's no need to remove MB. Look at yours, it may be like that.

I went with what you recommended. I appreciate it. It's what I was looking for. Thank you!
No worries mate , youll be happy with the gammaxx.

It has the paste pre-applied to the cooler already (like the stock amd one did)

When you remove the stock cooler , get a piece of kitchen towel & a bank or credit card & scrape off whatever paste you can off the cpu itself .

Just hold the tissue paper to one side & scrape with the edge of the card onto the tissue paper.

Its good practice to use alcohol & clean it thoroughly but if you dont have any then scraping it as best you can is good enough imo.
thanks matt do you know anythng about this one,

its a no name chinese cooler but many Products have surprised me Before from china . 4 heatpipes for that price is cheap
I had the same cpu and bought a noctua cpu cooler, its bit expensive but its super quiet and cools really good.
I also mever changed a fan before but it was easy to follow the steps.

Now i have a new cpu and that fan still works like a new one

Seen that s129 under various guises in the past.

On paper it looks ok ,but then again is $26 really cheap ?? Especially when you're not sure what you're actually getting.
Its hard to make a bad cooler with 4x direct contact heatpipes Id imagine.

In the Uk at least there are better chocies for less money.

ok thanks, if the fan is quiet and also is good quality i Think it would be cheap at least here in sweden. the hyper tx3 ev0 is about 6 s more expensive and the fan has to be changed on that one to so thats Another 12-20 s if you want a quiet system.