Question about monitor & graphics cards


Jun 12, 2015
Hi , my name is aTon!c and i'm new in this forum , i knew this forum from 1 year or so , today finnaly come a new user today , with the end of my presentation i would like start a this topic

So , first of all i don't know if i should put this topic in monitor section or in Gpu's section , but well let's start with my struggle.

Let's do the short version of it.

I'm currently thinking about upgrade my monitor from 1360 x 768 (samsung) to 1920 x 1080 (BenQ)

So i wanna know if upgrading to this monitor should i upgrade my Gpu aswell for have good fps in 1920 x 1080

My rig :

MB : Asus V Formula
MR: Corsair Vengeance 16gb 2x8gb
Cpu : i7 3770K OC to 4.1ghz
Gpu : Asus HD 7850 series
Psu : Rosewill Fortress 750W

To upgrade : BenQ 21.5" Monitor or BenQ 24"Gaming Monitor or Asus 21.5" Monitor

Is enough for me playing in the max rez 1920 x 1080 i don't need/like over 1920 x 1080.
So my struggle is , if i buy one of those 2 im thinking to buy should be upgrade my Gpu too ? or i will get high fps with this Gpu in the recent games?

If my Gpu should be changed i was thinking about brought the gtx 970 from EVGA or Asus Strix or Gigabyte G1 Gaming
So if i will need upgrade my gpu too can tell me in % how much % will be better pls :)
Thx all for taking the time of reading this cliche question , but i really nned the advice.

Ps : I'll take suggestion too :)
aTon!c Out!


i dont wanna to spend more thant 370$ , i wont play in 144hz monitor and with a higher screen resolution than 1920x1080p so for me there is no point to buy a gtx980 😀 and in the bench mark between gtx 970 vs gtx 980 the fps difference is minimal in ultra setting 12-19fps.

yes , i was actually think update my gpu aswell , but soon alots of good games will be release and well i like to play in max settigns 😀


but what you guyz thinks about those monitors 😀 good ? bad ? worse 😀?

Yup , i was only thinking about update my gpu too , i don't need a better cpu,ram etc ..

What you think about those monitors ? specially asus ? i've seen alot ot problems with asus monitors so , and don't know wich one i should buy 😀 haha