Question about operating system

Joshua Bernhardo

Jan 23, 2015
Hey guys so I have 2 desktops lets call it A and B. I no longer used desktop B and desktop A is the one I currently use and have amd cpu and I want to upgrade to intel so obviously I will need to buy a mobo as well. The question is if I buy a new mobo + intel cpu and put it on desktop A do I have to reinstall windows? and buy a new key? I will still use the same ssd and hhd.

Now same question if I moved the mobo from desktop A to desktop B do I have to reinstall windows also?

Hope you understand my question sorry for my bad english.

EDIT: Desktop A is not OEM (win 8.1) but Desktop B is (win 7) because I bought this from pc shop.
To add to @USAFRet, if it an OEM license. typically microsoft will not let you re-use the key. However, from my experience you can call them, explain that you are simply upgrading the hardware in your machine, and they MAY, no guarantee, migrate the key to the new motherboard. They have no obligation to migrate it, they just may do it to be nice as they have done with me and others.

Desktop A - 'purchased' from there, all bets are off. Completely unknown.
Reddit is not a retailer. You bought it from 'some dude'.

Desktop B - OEM - An OEM license is tied to that initial motherboard. MS might be lenient and allow that license to be used on a different motherboard, but they do not have to.

Ah sorry I'm kinda noob at this kinda thing lol. So what is the best course of action you suggest me to do because I want to upgrade my current desktop and move the mobo to old desktop?

How many PC's do you want to end up with?
A single PC with the Intel board?

If so, build it, and install the OEM license. See if it activates. You may have to call MS and activate it over the phone robot. Takes about 5 minutes.
If that fails, fall back to that reddit thing you bought. See if that activates.

(and in future, only buy licensed software from authorized sources. reddit is not one of them)

I only have 2 pc's and yes I want the main pc to be intel. Okay so let me just clarify this again, if I understand this correctly I buy new mobo + intel cpu and put it on my main pc and install OEM license using bootable USB because I don't have DVD drive. Also where can I get OEM license.

Then what do I do with the old desktop? because its OS is OEM.

I bought it from reddit because it was just cheap lol $15 saved some money when I build my main pc.

Then once you get all the hardware where it needs to be, install one or the other on each device.
Due to OEM and 'reddit', they may or may not activate.