Question about power supplies for gaming


Mar 23, 2014

I'm planning to invest in both a new GPU and a CPU
(Sapphire Radeon TRI-X R9 290 4GB "OC", and
AMD FX-8350 Black Edition)
but as I'm fairly new to building computers, I have a question in mind.

The GPU and CPU which I currently have do not need as much power as the ones I'm planning to buy, so I thought that I also might need a new power supply.
The GPU says it requires 750W, and the CPU says it required 125W, so does that mean that I need a power supply which can supply at least 875W, or do I simply need a 750W one to support the largest needing source?

Also, when we're on the topic, which PSU's would you recommend which are sold for a reasonable price. Ex. what's the differece between a model ending in an "M" and a model which is not?

If you've got time, would you mind explain to me what the difference between the different GPU's are which all have the same specifications, ex. 4GB memory, 5Ghz clock speed etc. I've seen MSI Radeon and Sapphire Radeon have made almost the same GPU, but different prices and such.

I'd be very thankful if I could get some kind of feedback of what I've written, and all answers are helpful for me!

Thank you!
The recommended wattages usually can be disregarded if you are getting assistance on the topic, 750W is an overestimate (for the whole system) for those units that dont deliver their rated wattage.
For the PSU, give us a budget and we can get you a unit.

Next, the difference you describe is modularity, the ability to remove cables you dont use.

Following, the main differences between the cards come in their clock speeds and cooling. There are a few other things, however for simplicity's sake they dont matter too much. If they are the same card, in this case the R9 290, each manufacturer has its own cooler they put on the card, hence the Sapphire TRI-X (A very good choice). Along with their own coolers, most companies ship their cards with a factory overclock, the user can do this as well, but this impacts out of box performance.
FX-8350 uses 125w

R9 290x uses a max (full load) around 350w.

350 + 125 = 475w.

Add a couple watts for peripherals and such, headroom for overclocking... and youre using total around 525w (complete MAX you would ever use on this build). Though you always wanna go a bit higher to leave yourself room to upgrade so I would go with a 600w.
Been a while since I've helped someone from Sweden on here, one of my good friends spent her junior year there and loved it.
Out of the list on the site, this would be the best unit for its price:, however it is over budget by a margin.
There arent many units to chose from, I recommend avoiding CX, and RM units from Corsair. In a pinch they can work, but I never like recommending them.
My friend just recommended me to use this website instead, as they have a place where I can come and pick the stuff up instead of having to wait for the parts to come home to me:

They didn't have the GPU which I was planning on buying eariler, but this one seemed just as good:
That also leaves me with some extra money which I could use to buy me a better PCU.

I also found out that they sell the PCU you recommended eariler for a more reasonable price 😀

That also leaves me with 400 SEK left 😀
OK, so which one of these would you recommend?
I've made a document to recall on which parts I shall buy, where the biggest factor is where to buy the parts. But first, I'd like some feedback on how much better this GPU is:!tab:extra
in comparison to this:

I made this list, and I think that I'll buy from even though the power supply is worse than on the other alternatives. I do though feel like I want to spend more money on the power supply than needed, and I feel like the small upgrade between those two would be too small for me to notice. Please let me know what you think.

5726 SEK

= 5475 SEK


= 5329 SEK


= 5414 SEK