Question about Power supply


Apr 24, 2017
I have a ATNG ATM 600fb power supply. I have had no problems with it so far for my GTX 950. I am upgrading my motherboard and cpu to a ryzen 5 1500x. Do i need to upgrade my psu aswell or will this work fine still?

i know you already have that psu my friend :) what i am saying is i would not risk the money i have or am spending on new cpu , motherboard and ram by using the current psu . . it would be wrong of me to advise you to keep your current psu and say it iwill be fine when i can not find any information to support doing that . so i must air on the side of caution and recommend a psu change. at the end of the day i cannot make the decision for you though 😛

Ok cool yeah i have a AMD fx 4300. It is a pretty big upgrade so i was not sure. Also people told me that my psu is unstable but it works fine for me so far.

upgrade that psu! you want a high quality supply especially when you're spending money on a new system . . the wattage of a power supply is not the be all and end all.
I mean I was hopeing that the psu I have now would work for now I'm already over my budget with my new CPU and motherboard but if I really need a new psu the cheapest that will work will be fine for me

The PSU you have now is more than enough. The Ryzen 5 1500X is rated at 65W, and with the GTX 950, you won't even be using 50% of the 600W capacity at full load.

it is not about the wattage it is about the quality. should the OP really spend hard earned money on good quality components only to then use a low quality power supply. it is the heart of the system. does not matter how good the rest of your organs are if your heart is weak .

if i know how much you can spend, where you're buying from , i can then select the best for your budget. there is little point in recommending something at a low price if i's not that price in your country .

Can't find much info on the ATNG power supply, but it does at least have an official 80 Plus rating. From other reviews and comments, it's not great, but not bad either. Probably on the level of an EVGA White (HEC).
you have to decide then is the lack of information because people are happy with it or not buying it . especially considering it's possible to pick up for less than $50. it's a risk not worth taking. the other factor is overclocking .. we have no information about how stable that current psu is . i personally would not risk my money on that psu . even if the OP cannot replace the psu right now due to budget .. i advise them to do it as soon as is possible .
I already have the ATNG psu and have been using it with my gtx 950 and fx 4300 for about a year but now I want to upgrade my CPU to ryzen 5. I think I'm going to keep my current psu now and upgrade when I get a new gpu in a few months.

i know you already have that psu my friend :) what i am saying is i would not risk the money i have or am spending on new cpu , motherboard and ram by using the current psu . . it would be wrong of me to advise you to keep your current psu and say it iwill be fine when i can not find any information to support doing that . so i must air on the side of caution and recommend a psu change. at the end of the day i cannot make the decision for you though 😛