Question about RAM compatibility

May 3, 2018
I've been looking into upgrading my old rig a bit, trying to squeeze out a bit more time before I upgrade. It has a Biostar P43B-A7 motherboard (2 RAM slots) and currently 3GB of RAM (2 DDR2 Ceon 800Mhz sticks, one 1GB and the other 2GB). My question is could a Micron DDR2 4GB 800Mhz stick work with my 2GB Ceon one?
Reason why I'm asking here specifically for this is because looking into upgrading RAM got me real confused about single/dual-chaneling and all these stats for RAM sticks.
No, the usually thing with 775 socket is single sided ram or double sided ram (the ram chips) that called low destiny or high destiny ram, now usually single sided ram is more compatible, but im unsure will the 4GB work with 2GB.

Now after going to official site, maximum ram per slot is 2GB, soo Im quite unsure about that.

That stick that you're gonna buy is it single sided or double sided?
Since from my googling and experience single sided should work.
If you can buy and return if it doesnt work it would be great.

To answer question about single channel and dual, that only works when size, ram speed is matched, otherwise no, sometimes for example if ram speed is 1600Mhz and other 1333Mhz and same size they would run 1333MHz in dual...
No, the usually thing with 775 socket is single sided ram or double sided ram (the ram chips) that called low destiny or high destiny ram, now usually single sided ram is more compatible, but im unsure will the 4GB work with 2GB.

Now after going to official site, maximum ram per slot is 2GB, soo Im quite unsure about that.

That stick that you're gonna buy is it single sided or double sided?
Since from my googling and experience single sided should work.
If you can buy and return if it doesnt work it would be great.

To answer question about single channel and dual, that only works when size, ram speed is matched, otherwise no, sometimes for example if ram speed is 1600Mhz and other 1333Mhz and same size they would run 1333MHz in dual channel, but thats mostly till motherboard capability to resolve that.

So after looking into it one more time, the motherboard actually doesn't support more than 2gb of RAM per slot, which is weird because in the specifications on the site it says that it supports up to 8gb of RAM? Regardless, thank you so much for the reply, looks like I'll just be upgrading for 1 gb in that case.