Question about Rams

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Nov 16, 2014
Hello guys,

So i have this laptop that i bought about a year ago. Lenovo Legion Y720 with 8gbs of RAM, and im looking to upgrade and my question is... Can i just buy a random 8gb RAM to have 16gb?

The current RAM it has is a DDR 4 one with 2400mhz, can i just buy one with those same specs and have them work in dual channel with no problems?

Thanks in advance.
Can i just buy a random 8gb RAM to have 16gb?

can i just buy one with those same specs and have them work in dual channel with no problems?
Maybe. Even with all specs(speed, type, timing, voltage) being identical there is no guarantee that a new kit will work with an old one. 95% sure it'll work but many of us here at Tom's have seen the 5% that thought they were doing the right thing by matching all specs and it still won't work. WHY? Tom's? WHY!?. Unless the RAM installed was purchased as a kit there aren't any guarantees where compatibility is concerned.

Why do you want/need more RAM?

Dang, i guess ill have to buy a pair to be 100% sure.

For 3D rendering programs like AutoCAD, Vector and the likes.,eid-dqdncagwvd&gtim=COv_-5qfv_XMAhCz856Jn-y0nDcYsJqpQSIDVVNEKJCTmt4FMPa62Ds&utm_campaign=125181302&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgOzdBRDlARIsAJ6_HNmteQgCB8pOFcy1Ljki6KqYJ8o_vTUHfN7dVYdS7iNvOakNN5rKw3QaAvAhEALw_wcB

One possibility.
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