Question about the new Graphics Cards in 2013


Dec 6, 2012
So both the Nvidia 700 series and the Amd 8000 series are rumored to be released this year (from March - May) and I'm wondering if I should wait 3 - 5 months for them instead of buying a $500 graphics card that I was going to buy (GTX 680). At the moment a $500 card is out of my budget range and I'm wondering if it would be smarter to wait for the new graphics cards and snatch one of those when I can actually afford it. The new cards are rumored to be a 15% increase in performance over the 600 series. Now, I could stress out and try to scrounge up some money for the 680 or wait 3 - 5 months and have enough money to get the best up-to-date graphics card on the market. I currently have an Nvidia Geforce 9400 Gt card that I could use an extra 3 - 5 months while I wait for the new cards.

Whats your guy's opinions. Should I get a GTX 680 or wait a few months for the new cards to come out.

I too had that card :lol:
Thats a Utter crap now. Mine Fried out last week.

If you can wait, its very good.
But beware of the Premium prices.

I would suggest you a GTX 670 over 680. (If you are getting now)
Performance difference is just 5%. Which isn't worth the price difference.
Overclocking will further make the Difference 2% :)

So GTX 670 is a better choice all the way.

But if you can wait, you'll be happy. 😉
if you wanted to get a high end card from this generation, the 7970GHZ is the one to get, its faster and cheaper than the GTX680 (although it doesnt have PhysX) however id wait for the next gen card and either grab one of those or grab a current gen card when the price drops because of the new cards