R roadrage4444 Reputable Feb 28, 2015 66 0 4,630 Feb 28, 2015 #1 Im looking for a decent gaming rig, for a good price. What do you guys think of this one? http://
madmatt30 Titan Ambassador Jan 1, 2013 24,574 650 91,240 Feb 28, 2015 #2 Good CPU,good ram ,very little else. Youll end up spending $300 or so straight away for a PSU & gou upgrade. Quite simply not worth the money. Upvote 0 Downvote
Good CPU,good ram ,very little else. Youll end up spending $300 or so straight away for a PSU & gou upgrade. Quite simply not worth the money.
R roadrage4444 Reputable Feb 28, 2015 66 0 4,630 Feb 28, 2015 #3 thanks so much, got any ideas for a good rig for about 700 to 800 bucks? I mainly play WOW and getting the new GTA V Upvote 0 Downvote
thanks so much, got any ideas for a good rig for about 700 to 800 bucks? I mainly play WOW and getting the new GTA V
madmatt30 Titan Ambassador Jan 1, 2013 24,574 650 91,240 Feb 28, 2015 #4 I'd suggest building your own - you will always get better value for money. If a prebuild is a necessity then this. http://www.microcenter.com/product/438579/M32AD-US026S_Desktop_ComputerComputer & add in your own GPU - a gtx 960 should run on that included PSU. http://www.microcenter.com/product/444116/GeForce_GTX_960_Superclocked_2GB_GDDR5_PCI-e_Video_Card That will give a decent midrange PC for gaming - will still cost way more than an equivalent homebuilt rig though. Upvote 0 Downvote
I'd suggest building your own - you will always get better value for money. If a prebuild is a necessity then this. http://www.microcenter.com/product/438579/M32AD-US026S_Desktop_ComputerComputer & add in your own GPU - a gtx 960 should run on that included PSU. http://www.microcenter.com/product/444116/GeForce_GTX_960_Superclocked_2GB_GDDR5_PCI-e_Video_Card That will give a decent midrange PC for gaming - will still cost way more than an equivalent homebuilt rig though.
R roadrage4444 Reputable Feb 28, 2015 66 0 4,630 Feb 28, 2015 #5 thanks for your info, what do you think about this one? http:// Upvote 0 Downvote