question about this super speed fan with 252 cfm


Jun 18, 2016
Okay so I just bought this
I know its going to be loud but will this be okay to run off my motherboard with 3 pin with it using 40.8 Watt (max. 46.8W) i have a 500 watt cooler master
I know this is a old psu but man this things been running a long time like 5+ years but will this fan be too much for my power ussage?
gtx 1070
i7 930
1600 mhz ddr3 ram 8gb 2x4gb
1x ssd
1x 7200 rpm hdd
p6t mobo

just dont want to push the wattage too much but what do you guys think
Well at full power the fan would be using a lot of power and might actually make the PSU unhappy, (I would replace it soon anyway, it is not that great) but trust me, you do not want that thing at full speed, even half speed will move amazing amounts of air.

As for fan control, you are best off buying a 50W per channel rated fan controller, or do as I do, get a cheap 100W boost converter off of ebay/amazon, and connect it to 12V molex power, and then drive the fan off of that. plugging that straight into the motherboard will almost certianly cook the fan header if not more.

I saw those external power devices but was thinking short term for now because i do plan on getting a 750w in a couple weeks but if i run this off of this for just a few weeks you think it will be fine if I only use that one fan on it?
this is what I also bought and im pretty sure the fan will be full speed because p6t motherboard is bad at fan speed management if any at all.

Yep that will work as well, you have molex power, but motherboard PWM, I forget if that fan will take PWM though, so it might just run full blast. (got a fan grill on that monster?) One fan for under a week should not pose issues, but just be aware that you will be very near that PSUs limit if you are gaming or benchmarking.

what if i do like a little project and get this and split it to run
My only question - Why? Were you experiencing overheating problems? Hopefully you do not have any small pets or you may find them stuck to the side of the case if the fan will be used as an intake. Do you have a way to bolt your computer case to the floor? Just kidding, but that thing is a monster!

lol well my i7 930 is starting to get really hot and degrading performance because its getting old and my cm 212 evo is cooling about 50c idle and 100% load it jumps to 92c and was going to use this as a cpu overkill fan lol the thing about the computer being bolted to floor made me laugh so hard 😛
You may want to remove the cpu cooler and clean off the thermal paste (isoprophyl alcohol and a coffee filter works), and re-apply some new thermal paste. Also make sure you remove any dust from the cpu cooler and inside the case in general. 50c at idle is not normal (unless your room temp is 35c), so a good cleaning and new thermal paste might help you out.

its not that i have Arctic MX-4 on it and have reapplied multiple times because I thought the same thing and have placed it perfectly multiple times and you forget the i7 930 is a old cpu stock 2.8ghz and i got it clocked to 3.8 with low voltage too its just getting old and losing efficiency is my honest theory because it used to run cooler back when my father first had it when i was younger

That will work great.