question about usb headers in motherboard? please help


Oct 8, 2015
in one of the gigabyte motherboards i was looking at (GA H110M S2) it has a total of 4 USB 3.0 ports, two through the back panel and two through internal usb headers. but then under the internal I/O connectors of the same motherboard it says there is only 1 USB 3.0 header. as i mentioned in the beginning the motheboard should have 2 usb ports through internal headers but in the internal I/O connectors it shows only one. i cannot get it. please help
Ok so, you have 4 USB 3.0 ports in total right? Okay. 2 are in the back, the other 2 can be used with the header on the motherboard. From that header, if your case has 2 USB 3.0 ports, you get another 2 ports, making it 4 in total. Basically, 2 ports in the back and through through the header. Done. (Please note, if your case only has 1 USB 3.0 port then you'll only get 3 ports in total, but the header can support 2 ports through one single cable, it all depends on your case)
Ok so, you have 4 USB 3.0 ports in total right? Okay. 2 are in the back, the other 2 can be used with the header on the motherboard. From that header, if your case has 2 USB 3.0 ports, you get another 2 ports, making it 4 in total. Basically, 2 ports in the back and through through the header. Done. (Please note, if your case only has 1 USB 3.0 port then you'll only get 3 ports in total, but the header can support 2 ports through one single cable, it all depends on your case)