After a bit of hesitation between Samsung M3 Slimline (1TB) and WD My Passport Ultra (1TB), I decided to go with the latter. I have ordered it and now waiting. However, I have a question regarding it.
On video reviews, I checked that there are pre-installed files on the HDD, which are the HDD Backup software files. Since I will be using it only as a drag and drop HDD, I was wondering if I can delete these files? If I decide to re-format the drive (a fresh NTFS format), will these files re-appear again or they will be deleted forever?
Thank you and appreciated.
On video reviews, I checked that there are pre-installed files on the HDD, which are the HDD Backup software files. Since I will be using it only as a drag and drop HDD, I was wondering if I can delete these files? If I decide to re-format the drive (a fresh NTFS format), will these files re-appear again or they will be deleted forever?
Thank you and appreciated.