Question about windows reinstallation


Nov 26, 2013
So i bought a computer nearly a year ago, it came with Windows 7 32 bit installed, a disk for 64 bit windows and a sheet of paper with a Code for windows to be genuine. I used the code with the 32 bit windows installed thinking i wouldnt ever need to installed the 64 bit version... Well... I kind of want to in the case i want to install more than 4 gigs of ram.... my question is would it be no longer be a genuine copy of windows if i were to install the 64 bit version since i used the code on the 32 bit version or would it somehow know it still the same computer...Probably a dumb question but i'd appreciate any answers
Hello... your key is good for both versions for a a re-install... you will always have to re-active your New Install... If there is a problem, a phone number will present it self... It s a painless procedure, just tell them a re-install was required due to a hardware problem. They will provide information too active your new install.