Question: Connect to internet through another PC


Jun 1, 2012
HELP,I have two computers.Main computer is internet link to second computer.NOW,I had to install a new operating system {windows xp pro}I am unable to get a connection to internet for the main computer,but the second computer has internet and is working fine.Main pc is saying that drivers are not available.Please can you help. At wits end .Can you help
You've learned an important lesson here, before re-installing windows, back up the drivers first :)
Is the main Pc a prebuilt or a homebuild unit?
if its a prebuilt, use the second Pc to download the relevant drivers from the manufacturers website, then put them onto a flash drive, put the flash drive in the main Pc and install drivers via device manager,
if its a home build, then you have to identify the components missing drivers, gfx card, E/net adaptor etc and download the drivers from the relevant manufacturers site,