Question or Discussion Thread Options

We used to have options to either set a thread title as a Discussion thread or a Question thread which we no longer have, is this something on the board to be fixed or permanently left this way?

When you post a new thread the Ask The Community, button is all we have to initiate the thread creation, has it been purposely set that way to add more best answers, even though it's not actually sometimes even a question thread?


Overlord Emeritus
These options, by the way, are configured differently by default for various subcategories. Some categories cause the default new thread type to be a "Discussion", while others default as "Question". There's also the "Tutorial" thread type, and hopefully there will be more types in the near future, too. :)

That makes sense as I tried to change from a question to a discussion by manipulating the first post of a thread I don't recall where?, and it would not change to a discussion after the fact, so if some categories are locked to question threads that explains a lot. Thanks Joe! :)