Question regarding THX TruStudio Pro on Creative Soundblaster X-Fi Go! Pro


Sep 5, 2013
There is an option in the driver software that lets you turn on the THX surround, But there is no option to select 5.1 or 7.1 input channels.

Also, when I go to playback devices/choose Go!Pro/configure, I can only choose 2 channels there... Can someone explain to me what is happening here ?

I know this is a couple months late but:
Unfortunately this USB sound card does not support 7.1 or 5.1. This card supports 3D sound in which will kind of turn a 2.0 headset into 5.1 sound virtually. Hope you still like it but if not try this one it is fully 5.1 SOUND BLASTER X-FI SURROUND 5.1 PRO and this is a USB as well. If you do want 7.1 unfortunately sound blaster does not supply a USB 7.1 you will have to get an internal card.

I hope this was helpful and not too late... :)