Question retention files flash memory and desuse electronic device

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Sep 3, 2020
video game cartridges that have flash memory or ram memory need to be used from time to time 1 or 2 vcs a year at least otherwise they will present problems in their components as in devices that use electrolytic capacitors and these capacitors have problems after a long time stored without use? i have super everdrive and sd2snes cartridges


Not sure what question(s) you are asking and what you may need help with.

Are you having specific problems with the cartridges you mentioned?

Or just reminding people to use their cartridges from time to time?

Moving post from "Components" to "Opinions and Experiences".
No, video game cartridges do not need to be used periodically.
  • Cartridges don't use flash memory. They use ROM. The data is literally burnt into the chip permanently.
    • The only exceptions I'd say are plausible are the 3DS, Switch, and Vita cartridges, since the games can be updated.
  • Cartridges that use SRAM for save files have a battery that keeps their contents. While the design is likely meant to least for 5 or so years, I have games that still retained their data for over 10 years.
  • As long as the cartridge was stored in the specified environment requirements (basically, keep them in room temperature at lowish humidity), you don't need to worry about them having problems. With the exception of any battery backed SRAM and the battery dies.
  • If you're talking about SD cards, since you mentioned flash carts, again, as long as you're keeping them in a decent environment, you don't need to worry about their contents getting corrupted. And even if they do, you can always put the data back in.


Sep 3, 2020
flash cart uses flash memory NOR Chip caretridge Super Everdrtive china and SD2snes uses memory RAM this cartridgers has electrolytiuc capacitors in board or other component sensiblem lomg term storage without use?
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