(Posted in another thread) But I really need some advice about the proper cpu temp and what it should be. Long story short I've been trying to figure out for a couple weeks why I'm getting blue screens and I'm starting to lean more toward the idea that it might just be overheating. Now before anything else I already opened it & cleaned it out thoroughly twice, so not a spec of dust is in there. all the fans work and are spinning, but yesterday when I came downstairs to another blue screen the error I keep getting is MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION and when I turned it off and opened it up the motherboard, cpu fan heatsink almost everything felt pretty hot to the touch. The thing is I have my tower sitting in the bottom of my computer desk, that has a perfect space for a tower next to my leg and a door in the front that closes in front. It feels a little warm in there when I open that door but not too bad, I'm just trying to figure out basically if these issues are due to overheating... and basically the blue screens and freezing usually only seem to happen overnight (hasn't shut down on me ever). But I'm thinking about switching over to a basic liquid cooler, like maybe this one - ( https://www.newegg.com/evga-clc-120-cl11-liquid-cooling-system/p/N82E16835288013?Item=9SIA2F88M20972&Description=liquid cpu cooler&cm_re=liquid_cpu_cooler--35-288-013--Product&quicklink=true ) I have an older LGA1366 board and I don't want a crazy complex cooling system with the reservoir and many tubes because they look too crazy to install so this one looks simple and easy to install, but would it drastically decrease the temp ? Wondering if its worth it to buy because I only wanna get it if it'll help with the help, and I don't game on here or do anything too crazy. I'm posting a screenshot link of my CoreTemp specs here because I'm not sure what the ideal temp should be and if its getting too hot and overheating, so thats my current temp right now but couldnt see what it was when I got the blue screen earlier. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks