Questions about Linux


Dec 6, 2013
Hello, I am somewhat of a noob when it comes to Linux. I have some questions to ask, and I apologize in advance if I cause any of you to facepalm xD. The specific type of Linux I will be using is Tails. Okay, how to I go about installing programs?
Tails is meant to run from a flash disk, running a system from the flash is rough on the flash so be sure and keep important files backed up elsewhere.

You've discovered the persistence part. You add that during the install procedure to your flash. That is where new software will install and I'd be surprised if you have to reinstall each time you boot, not a major thing since most software installs in seconds once it's downloaded. You cannot put a persistence file on a dvd.

As mentioned earlier, Tails is not as user friendly as others like Ubuntu and Mint. You can run them from a flash as well or install them onto a hard drive. If your goal is anonymous surfing then they can handle that as well because the software tails uses for...
It's a Debian-based distribution so presumably you can just use "apt" as on any other Debian system. If it's not immediately obvious to you how to do that then I would suggest that you start your Linux experience with a more user-friendly distribution.
Tails is geared for extreme privacy, not functionality. Its intended to be used (mostly) in 'live' mode, where all data is destroyed, and all comms go via tor. I havent used it, but I would think you cant install stuff on it. Or thats not the idea anyway. Journalists etc use it.

You can install stuff on it, but you must keep a copy in the persistence if you don't want to have to redownload it. It has to be reinstalled every time you turn it on.
Well its not really a n00b distro, or the best idea for general desktop use. Unless you have a specific reason for wanting to use it switch to ubuntu.

Its debian based and if it comes with no software center or package manager, your stuck using Aptitude from the command line to install, update and remove software.
Tails is meant to run from a flash disk, running a system from the flash is rough on the flash so be sure and keep important files backed up elsewhere.

You've discovered the persistence part. You add that during the install procedure to your flash. That is where new software will install and I'd be surprised if you have to reinstall each time you boot, not a major thing since most software installs in seconds once it's downloaded. You cannot put a persistence file on a dvd.

As mentioned earlier, Tails is not as user friendly as others like Ubuntu and Mint. You can run them from a flash as well or install them onto a hard drive. If your goal is anonymous surfing then they can handle that as well because the software tails uses for that can be installed on them easy as one click. It's called Tor. Tails is more like Mission Impossible "This message will self destruct in 10 seconds, good luck".

I agree, I suppose it is a little bit ridiculous xD I will just read "the linux command line" and grab something user friendly like Ubuntu. Thanks guys.