Hi, I had a question about either upgrading my prebuilt PC or building one. My current PC is a Lenovo 90ED with 8 GB memory, 1 TB HDD, Windows 10 Home, i5 6400, and a GT 730. I plan to play new titles such as Overwatch and Battlefront 2 at max settings or close to it with a min of 30 FPS. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/fcDY3F is the one I made in PC Part Picker, but I don't know if I should build that or upgrade my graphics card to a GTX 1050 TI or 1060 (if the motherboard even supports it.) The motherboard is an H170 and it has a PCI Express with a link width and max supported of 8x. Basically the questions are: Should I upgrade or build a new one? If I upgrade, will a GTX 1050 TI or GTX 1060 be compatible? Thanks