Followers are people who are paying attention to you on social media. I think we're all pretty familiar with that concept by now. But unlike in the real world, you aren't going to get them by just posting cat pictures online. So here's a quick handy guide on how to get more people following your activities in Watch Dogs 2.
What are followers?
In Watch Dogs 2, followers basically act as experience points. The more followers you have, the more research points you will have access to to unlock additional abilities. There are specific threshholds that you will reach to unlock these research points.
How to get followers.
Doing any mission will provide you with a good number of followers, be it a side mission of the main story operations. On top of that completing the Driver - SF jobs, completing ScoutX snapshots, and completing the optional races you'll find. Any of these options is going to provide you with a couple thousand followers, so get out there and do anything you can to progress!
How to spend the research you get.
Once you have accumulated some research, go ahead and check your ./research app on your phone and you'll be presented with the skills you can learn, so that you can pick which ones you will spend those research points on.
Remember, the more followers you have, the more skills you can end up unlocking for your character. The more skills you have, the more suited you will be to handle any situation.
What are followers?
In Watch Dogs 2, followers basically act as experience points. The more followers you have, the more research points you will have access to to unlock additional abilities. There are specific threshholds that you will reach to unlock these research points.
How to get followers.
Doing any mission will provide you with a good number of followers, be it a side mission of the main story operations. On top of that completing the Driver - SF jobs, completing ScoutX snapshots, and completing the optional races you'll find. Any of these options is going to provide you with a couple thousand followers, so get out there and do anything you can to progress!
How to spend the research you get.
Once you have accumulated some research, go ahead and check your ./research app on your phone and you'll be presented with the skills you can learn, so that you can pick which ones you will spend those research points on.
Remember, the more followers you have, the more skills you can end up unlocking for your character. The more skills you have, the more suited you will be to handle any situation.