Hey so I will be ordering my build within the next week but my friend and I wanted to do a quick compatibility check. I googled it already but got no straight answer. I have an Intel I5 4690k processor and a Gigabyte GA-Z97X-UD5H-BK ATX LGA1150
MOBO: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-motherboard-gaz97xud5hbk
Processor: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54690k
I think they are because both have Socket type LG1150 but i want to be triple sure before i order
Thanks for any help!
MOBO: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-motherboard-gaz97xud5hbk
Processor: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54690k
I think they are because both have Socket type LG1150 but i want to be triple sure before i order
Thanks for any help!