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In article <>, SM says...
>If you mean cut at the play head, it's control-v
This just shows how ignorant the designers of FCP are. The king of design want
their users to get RSI, don't they? I mean, who assigns a shortcut which will
be one of the most used, to a two-key combination? No one in their right mind.
Anyway, to the OP (Sam), do yourself a big favour, and remap the key to a
single keystroke. I put this command to the /-key (it's because it's the
default key for splicing on Discreet Edit 5, and a handy reminder to the fact
that I want to "slash" the clip). Anyway, FCP is full of such oddities, and
again, I recommend you to remap your keys to something more logical. You can
always export your favourite keyboard-layout to disk, and carry it with you, in
case you'll end up editing on another machine (where you can import it).
"better to let them do it imperfectly than to do it perfectly yourself, for it
is their country … and your time is short" T.E. Lawrence