Quick Motherboard Question


Apr 5, 2015
I am looking at getting this motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128721 and for the Internal I/O Connectors it says that it only has 1 x system fan header. The case im getting (Phantom 240) comes with TWO 120mm fans so im only able to connect one fan right? For away around this do I purchase a 3-Pin to 4-Pin adapter and will this work?

CASE: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146181

ADAPTER (would this work?) : http://www.walmart.com/ip/3-Pin-Fan-to-4-Pin-Pass-Thru-Power-Adapter-Cable/31153521
That will work, but the fan will spend full speed all the time (and that cable is really expensive, I would order else where if you do go that route). Some fan hubs are available that still use speed control from the motherboard.

Search PWM Splitter or fan splitter on NewEgg, you will come up with Y cables specifically meant to plug multiple fans into a single port on the motherboard.

Here is an example.

Only one fan feeds RPM signal back to the motherboard, but both will be speed controlled by the motherboard in this case.
yes it will work, but I would also get a PWM splitter just like ^ he said. If you wanted to if the Case supports a dvd mounting area, you could get a fan controller (not recommended) but its something that will work as well.

And would this adapter work with the fans in my case?

im looking at this adapter http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812423161 but I think the 120mm fans in my case are 3-pins (not sure) would these work with this adapter?

If the 1 fan connection on your motherboard is 3 pin, and both fans are also 3 pin, then you want a 3 pin to dual 3 pin splitter cable. And I am pretty sure that this is what the connectors are for your system.

The product you linked above is again a 4 pin PWM cable.

Newer, higher end motherboards are beginning to have all 4 pin PWM connectors. But the majority of motherboards shipping today still only have 1 PWM connector, and that is for the CPU cooling fan.