Quick question before i do something i regret.....


Feb 6, 2012
well tomorrow i will be trading in my xbox 360 and games for PS3 for its "better" game compatability, mainly so i can play older psx and ps2 games. the free online play isn't very...umm....attractive to me, besides i payed like $12-15 for a full year of live anyways. well as i was saying, i did a bit of research on the ps3's ability to play ps2 games and apperantly only the older 1st and 2nd gen ps3s have backwards compatability. so i called my local gametrade and asked if they had any phat ps3, more accuratelly the 60GB CECHA because it has full hardware backwards compatability, and they had one.
my question is that if i swap the stock hard drive with a WDS Black 250GB 7200RPM HDD that i have as a backup drive in my computer, will it affect the backwards compatability at all.
i need a answer before 12pm tomorrow.
Thanks in advance! :p


Aug 7, 2007
I believe the PS3's backwards compatibility was possible through the system actually containing the PS2's CPU (possibly the GPU as well, but I am not sure on that). Due to that, swapping the HD should have no effect on playing PS2 games. I personally never have owned a PS3, so I cannot verify this information is 100% accurate, but articles and threads I have read in the past point to this conclusion.

If being able to play PS2 games is your primary goal why not go on craigslist or even gamestop and get a PS2, they are pretty cheap (around $60-$80) and hold onto the 360. Unless there are some PS3 exclusives you really want.


Feb 6, 2012

i'd get a ps2 but both gamestops near me don't have any ps2's in stock although the web site says they do and game trade doesn't any either.
i want one of the older ones because 1: its cheaper (duh :p) 2: the CECHAxx Has hardware emulation meaning "best" (can be debatable) emulation among ps3 system that can emulate ps1/2 games (Full Hardware emu - 20GB CECHBxx, 60GB CECHAxx;Partial Software emu - 60GB CECHCxx, 80GB CECHExx)


Aug 7, 2007
That sucks that they don't have any PS2's, Gamestop might be able to procure one for you through a store-to-store transfer. I have been throwing around the idea of getting a PS2/early PS3 too because PS2 games are pretty cheap and there are some series I would like to try. Plus my old 1xxx series PS1 is finally starting to act up.

From what I have read the software emulation on the newer PS3's can be iffy at times, and does not work on PS1 titles, so I understand the desire for the older system that is truly backwards compatible, rather than relying on emulation. Damn, this is making me want to play SotN again.


Feb 6, 2012

ha yours too is it a scph-1001? it may not be your ps1, it could be the games because the have a shelf life aswell like the old nes/snes/n64/and older cartrige consoles. game backups are the solution though the power of a game enhancer like game hunter. NO NOT PIRATED GAMES! just legal backups of game you own. you can use imgburn to remedy your problem.
Note: a Parallel port is required for the use of a game hunter and simular game enhancers.
and yes the software emu on the "newer" lol phat ps3 consoles (i.e. 60GB CECHCxx, 80GB CECHExx) are just running a emu simular to the pcsx2 emu that can be obtained for pc, which i do believe it was based on the ps2 software/ps3 emu software.