R5 1600 Compatability for new build


Oct 24, 2017
I was wondering if there were any underlying incompatible parts for this budget build I was planning on building,

The main things I'm confused on are the ram speeds and mobo compatibility with R5 and certain ram? Idk, I'm confused rn and wondering if I can get some good quick second opinions.

Thanks for the help!

Here's the link: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kJvrXP
You need to change a lot here:

1. Don't need CPU cooler, stock is enough.

2. Buy a B350 board, A320 is meant for OEM and office-work systems.

3. The A400 isn't a good quality SSD, if you want a cheap, good SSD try the WD Green.

4. Get a better power supply if you want this PC to function properly. A Corsair CX450 will suffice for the GTX 1060.

Update: You should ideally be looking at 16 gigs of RAM as well, if it is within your budget. Games need more than 8 GB sometimes, and can slow down considerably if they don't get enough RAM.

You're looking at something like this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2 GHz 6-Core Processor ($150.00 @ Amazon)...
You need to change a lot here:

1. Don't need CPU cooler, stock is enough.

2. Buy a B350 board, A320 is meant for OEM and office-work systems.

3. The A400 isn't a good quality SSD, if you want a cheap, good SSD try the WD Green.

4. Get a better power supply if you want this PC to function properly. A Corsair CX450 will suffice for the GTX 1060.

Update: You should ideally be looking at 16 gigs of RAM as well, if it is within your budget. Games need more than 8 GB sometimes, and can slow down considerably if they don't get enough RAM.

You're looking at something like this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2 GHz 6-Core Processor ($150.00 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($64.99 @ Newegg Business)
Memory: Kingston - FURY 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-2666 Memory ($76.16 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital - Green 240 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($39.89 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($44.85 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6 GB D5 6G Video Card ($279.99)
Case: Cooler Master - MasterBox Q300L MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($39.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair - CX (2017) 450 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($45.00 @ Amazon)
Other: JBtek All Black Sleeved 4 Way PWM Splitter Hub for 12V Computer Fans ($6.99 @ Amazon)
Other: upHere 3-Pack Wireless RGB LED 120mm Case Fan,Quiet Edition High Airflow Adjustable Color LED Case Fan for PC Cases, CPU Coolers,Radiators system ($24.98 @ Amazon)
Total: $772.84
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-12-10 22:04 EST-0500

Thank you so much for the help! Sadly I can't fit 16gb into the budget but I swapped the SSD out for a SanDisk 240gb one. Finally, thank you very much for the recommendation on the mobo!

The finally question I have though, do I really need the 450watt PSU though? the EVGA 430 I have is 80+ rated..

The problem with the PSU is the quality, not the wattage or efficiency rating. The lower-end EVGA units aren't very good in quality, in terms of stable power delivery, quality of internal components, and other technical specifications like the voltage across the +12 V rail. You need a good PSU for a good system, and the EVGA one isn't one of the good quality units.

I see, i added the corsair one you recommended to the cart, thanks for the help!
I agree. Lose the CPU cooler. Get the cheapest B350/450 board you can.

Get 16gb 3000mhz Ram. The money you save on the CPU cooler is almost enough for a 16gb 3000mhz Kit when added to what you’re already spending on ram.

Yes you do want a better PSU. 80+ doesn’t mean a lot by itself. There is a EVGA 450 BR on Newegg for $34.99 right now. I wouldn’t go any lower or cheaper than that.