R5 2600x cannot max out 1070ti?

Jul 31, 2018
My 1070ti works always 80-90% and randomly drops to 50%... this started about a week ago but the system is new, only 3-4 weeks .I have 8 GB of RAM but it doesn't drop nor goes above 70% of RAM usage. I got a 144hz monitor and this quite bothers me.
2600x sits at 30-40% and doesn't go above, it's not overclocked. All updates are up to date. Is there anything i can do or is there any bottlenecks.
Why do you think they should be running at 100%?

What resolution are you running? How many frames are you getting? What games are you playing? It's possible that the games you play, combined with your resolution and graphics detail settings, aren't that demanding on your CPU and GPU.
im playing on 1080p, but i find it quite weird that before a week ago, for example fortnite, never dip bellow 160fps. rn it drops randomly to 60-70. settings are all high just shadows medium. And even in csgo when i ran a bechmark before this i had 410~ avg fps. Now i get 260~.
And also when i started noticing those slowdowns pubg is still crashing when trying to get to lobby, i need everytime to set it on only 1 thread in task manager in order to start the game, and the fps in game still experiences slowdowns