You may want to look into the new Nvidia Maxwells. The GTX 750 ti is a low energy, powerful little card. It surpasses the R7-260X and does it using less power. Some of the models don't even need a 6 pin connector. http://gpuboss.com/gpus/Radeon-R7-260X-vs-GeForce-GTX-750-Ti
The GTX 750 ti is going for as low as $149.
You may have a lot of crap running in the background that is eating up resources and cpu cycles. Disable as much stuff in your tray as as possible. Uncheck as many boxes in System Configuration/Sartup as you can. Run CCleaner and do the Clean and Registry both for a clean up. https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
Try defragging you HD.But, the built-in is usually time consuming and incomplete, so try an auto defrag like Diskeeper- you'll never have to worry about defragging again.
i downloaded the new one but i saw something on here about old version 13.10 working
The 14.X beta has been having issues with some installations. I'd avoid that one for now. Go here: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download and find your driver and display results. Then look in the upper right side of the page for "previous drivers and software".
Imagine that a amd/radeon card having issues? Seems to be atrend. Especially with the the series of cards. Alot ofpeople have been running into issues on other forums too. Overclockers.net is having mass issues on the 280 and 290x's right outta the box. Most issues seem to be driver related but who knows. Try a nvidia card?
I returned two cards andupgraded to an R9 270 which has worked flawlessly for two months.
You may want to look into the new Nvidia Maxwells. The GTX 750 ti is a low energy, powerful little card. It surpasses the R7-260X and does it using less power. Some of the models don't even need a 6 pin connector. http://gpuboss.com/gpus/Radeon-R7-260X-vs-GeForce-GTX-750-Ti
The GTX 750 ti is going for as low as $149.