R9 270 and ac4


Feb 18, 2013
In assassins creed 4, if I MAX out the graphics including texture and environment settings and turn on MSAA x 4, will I get 50+ fps with this card?
Sapphire Radeon R9 270 Dual-X OC 2GB GDDR5 BF4 Edition

And how will this card perform in Battlefield 4?

Yes, that should give you some fps boost. And in ac4, borders or objects or other things look crappy with no aa at 1336x768, so some aa should be solution for it. But I still doubt that you will get 50+ fps on a bit unoptimised game like ac4. I think 43+ will be your frame rates while playing at that res and that settings.


Assassins creed 4 is an unoptimized mess.
Performance is not that great but on one of my 270x graphics cards i could get 45 - 58 fps on land with 2x MSAA, god rays set to low (low/high makes no visible difference) and 1920x1080.
At sea i got 60+ fps.
I have a friend who's playing it on a AMD FX4100@4ghz, 4gb ram and an AMD 7850 2gb and he is getting 30 - 40 fps on land with more at sea. He is still getting a smooth experience.

I completed the game last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it:)

You will probably get higher fps in Battlefield 4. It's difficult to say for sure without knowing the rest of your system specifications


Sep 14, 2013

Yes, that should give you some fps boost. And in ac4, borders or objects or other things look crappy with no aa at 1336x768, so some aa should be solution for it. But I still doubt that you will get 50+ fps on a bit unoptimised game like ac4. I think 43+ will be your frame rates while playing at that res and that settings.


Jan 12, 2014

You probably have a 4gb 270x which has more vram than the 2gb 1 that I have. I wouldn't recommend buying a 4gb 270x though cuz its close to $300 and you can just buy a 7950 or 280 if you spend like $20-30 more, plus they have bigger system buses which will give you even more fps. Also, the 270x 2gb (got mine for $199+tax) is not bad in this case though. I get min of 26fps and max of 48fps (average is 35) with all max settings except soft shadows (which make the game look grayish and take away 5-10fps) and I have 2x eqaa(x4) which is almost as good as 4x msaa. So yea the graphics card will run the game smoothly, just a bit above the ps4 standards in fps and way above in total graphical output; thus, giving you optimized quality for a standard quantity of money. Basically I built a $650+tax pc with 2 270x cards that run in crossfire settings; and that was how I optimized the game when I only had 1 (since amd didn't really support AC4 on crossfire until recent driver updates).