R9 270 Crossfire HELP


Dec 31, 2013
I currently have one R9 270 and I'm thinking to get another one and crossfire because I can't affort a better single card. So I heard that 270's in crossfire are like one R9 290 is that true?
And also will i be able to do a 3-way crossfire / 4 way ? I only have one Crossfire connector so IDK ? Also could I crossfire R9 270 with 270X because i have seen a 270X Toxic with 2 Crossfire conectors so I could leave that in the middle and these two in other side slots :)
Thanks and sorry for my English :)
A 270x will crossfire with a 270. Just put the 270x in PCIe slot 1 and the other in slot 2. Then make sure to match the clock speeds. Memory and GPU clockspeed. Generally 2 cards total is what people will recommend at most. For 3 or 4 card configurations you will run into issues in certain games, and not see very big jumps in performance going from 2 cards to the 3rd and 4th cards. What motherboard do you have, what power supply, and resolution do you plan to run?

EDIT: I didn't look at your signature, sorry. You will need a new power supply, and the motherboard you have only supports 2 card configurations either way. Check the second bullet point out here for the crossfire support on your board...
A 270x will crossfire with a 270. Just put the 270x in PCIe slot 1 and the other in slot 2. Then make sure to match the clock speeds. Memory and GPU clockspeed. Generally 2 cards total is what people will recommend at most. For 3 or 4 card configurations you will run into issues in certain games, and not see very big jumps in performance going from 2 cards to the 3rd and 4th cards. What motherboard do you have, what power supply, and resolution do you plan to run?

EDIT: I didn't look at your signature, sorry. You will need a new power supply, and the motherboard you have only supports 2 card configurations either way. Check the second bullet point out here for the crossfire support on your board: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4122#ov

About your power supply: http://www.jonnyguru.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-8398.html Johnny guru even posts himself to say it's junk. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
I'm planing to get Asrock AMD 990FX Extreme9 and a good 1000W PSU
Would this kind of 3-way crossfire work

------- MSI R9 270

------- Saphire R9 270X Toxic

------- MSI R9 270

So these lines represent PCIE slots ? :) Would it work ? :)
Yes I know Motherboard supports it but would the cards allow 3-way ?
Because R9 270's have only one Crossfire Bridge connector while R9 270X Toxic has two ?
Theoraticly 3 R9 270's can't be in 3-way because they have only one connector for card, but if i but a 270X Toxic with two connectors in middle will that work ? :) I will be playing in 1080p (TV - sometimes ) and 1440p (most of time).

I know about the Mobo and PSU, my brother will buy me the PSU from a good brand i think something like Corsair but idk it has 1000W or 1200W and the mobo i will upgrade to Asrock 990FX Extreme9


I know about the Mobo and PSU, my brother will buy me the PSU from a good brand i think something like Corsair but idk it has 1000W or 1200W and the mobo i will upgrade to Asrock 990FX Extreme9


Well the 270 is a rebranded 7870, and the 270x is a rebranded 7870ghz edition. It "should" work. Very good question indeed. Here is the AMD crossfire chart: http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/amd-crossfire-chart.201045/ According to the review on tom's for the 270, it is limited to 2 way crossfire only. Not sure why AMD decided to do this, since the cards it replaced supported 3 way at least. The 270x supports it as well. I tried researching your question, but couldn't find anythin concrete. Sorry.