R9 270 dual-x won't show anything in the monitor?


Oct 6, 2016
Hi, I have a sapphire r9 270 dual-x gpu, and I just bought a low budget pc hoping it would work but when I connect the gpu to the mobo, the monitor doesn't come up. I hear the beeps on the pc booting though. The GPU fans spins once when i switch fhe pc on and the goes off, and then starts again and keeps going but no signals to the monitor still.

My specs are
G4400 3.2 ghz
Psu - avf ps500 ( max 500w)
8 gb ddr3

Is it the PSU causing the problem? I connected Molex>6 pin and I see the fans working but still no signals.

If it the PSU I'm planning to change it to hexa+ 550W. Which also I'm wondering whether it'll be enough.

Thanks! Help needed sooon
There are one or two things I would identify.

Firstly, by "bought a low budget pc" does it mean you bought components and assembled them yourself? Or you bought a prebuilt PC? If the latter, it may not allow for new hardware depending on manufacturer and model.

Secondly, I would anticipate many a forum member to suggest you upgrade the PSU out of principle. Because a poor PSU could mean irreparable damage to your PC. The R9 270 reportedly requires a 450W minimum PSU; choose a good PSU from the list: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html

Thirdly, more practically, are you plugging in the monitor cable into the graphics card?

Fourthly, your spec information is sparse. As such the suggestion may not be...
There are one or two things I would identify.

Firstly, by "bought a low budget pc" does it mean you bought components and assembled them yourself? Or you bought a prebuilt PC? If the latter, it may not allow for new hardware depending on manufacturer and model.

Secondly, I would anticipate many a forum member to suggest you upgrade the PSU out of principle. Because a poor PSU could mean irreparable damage to your PC. The R9 270 reportedly requires a 450W minimum PSU; choose a good PSU from the list: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html

Thirdly, more practically, are you plugging in the monitor cable into the graphics card?

Fourthly, your spec information is sparse. As such the suggestion may not be applicable, but try plugging in the graphics card into another PCI slot. If you can, try installing the graphics card in another PC to rule out a faulty graphics card.