r9 270 vs gtx 760 bang for your buck


Mar 19, 2014
Hi im building a gaming rig and i would like to ask whether the 50-60$ difference between the r9 270 and gtx 760 notable in performance. Ive seen "r9 270x vs r9 270" here and it says that the difference between the r9 270x and r9 270 is not that much so its a waste spending 40 more dollars for the r9 270x. I was wondering if this is also true with r9 270 and gtx 760. I dont have much money so im saving where ever i can. please help
What power supply do you have (brand/model)?
List the rest of your computer specs, including your monitor resolution.

The 270x is faster than the 270, you can OC the 270 to 270x levels, but you would want a good brand/model.
The gtx 760 is better than the 270x in most games, depends what you play,. Money wise they probably are close to equal if you look at price/performace.
[strike]I'd say keep the $50 and get the R9 270X[/strike]
[strike]Here are some benchmarks and see for yourself if the +$50 for the GTX 760 is worth it[/strike]
sorry if i didnt give enough information.

cpu : fx 6300
memory : 8gb(2x4gb) corsair
psu : rosewill stallion 500w
mobo : asrock 970 extreme 4

im gonna be using gpu for playing games on one monitor on 1920x1080 res..

im confused as per this link http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/ASUS/R9_270_Direct_Cu_II_OC/26.html
the r9 270 is better than the 660 and is in the same price range.