R9 270 worth it on a 450W PSU


Dec 14, 2013
So I have been looking around and here and I really need an upgrade to my GPU.
Keep in mind GPU's are incredibly expensive here in South Africa. The new GTX 980 costs around $1000 here as opposed to the $600/$700 in the US off of Newegg.

Im not looking for anything nearly as close to that performance, my budget is around $240 which is what the R9 270 costs here. The only problem is that I have a 450W unknown brand PSU, which could cause issues. Would the 270 work on only a 450W PSU? Or would an upgrade to that be in order?

I play on a 1080p res monitor, looking to play games at 'decent' settings, such as Witcher 2, Skyrim, GTA V, Arma 3 and Metro Last Light.

Would you recommend another GPU for that price range? I have thought of the 750ti (as a 950ti is highly unlikely to be made as the 750ti was already Maxwell architecture and a rebrand probably wont happen) as the 750ti doesnt need a power connection, and has a low TDP, just cant handle the same as the 270, nor can you use SLI unlike the 270.

All suggestions are welcome!

Well under full load that GPU's power consumption will be ~300w, so 450w would be enough wattage depending on your other components, but the 'advertised' wattage on your no name PSU is probably not accurate and I personally wouldn't even risk running any of my components on a 1000w generic PSU even.

I have 2 R9 270's and just 1 card can run any of those games that you mentioned at mostly high settings with the exception of GTA V which isn't out yet and Arma 3 which is more CPU dependant.

Can you list your full system specs?

A 450w should work for a 270, but if the PSU is an unknown, generic brand, you should upgrade it. The PSU is definitely not something you want to go cheap on.

As for a 750Ti, it would be much better in power consumption, but a bit lower in gaming performance. Take a look at AnandTech's GPU Bench for a good comparison. You can change the GPU's if you want to compare some other graphics cards.


I shouldve stated full system specs in the beginning sorry but anyrate
MOBO : Asrock H61m MicroATX
RAM : 8GB 1666Mhz
PSU : 450W Zixaa PSU (South African brand)
GPU : current : GTS 240 1GB
CPU : Intel Pentium G2030 3.0Ghz Dual Core
OS : Windows 8.1 64bit

I understand my CPU needs an upgrade, but it handles most games for now. Will look at an i5 in the near future.
See the problem is the case came with the PSU in a really incredible sale so I took the risk in buying it. The problem is that the PSU is a slightly different size to normal ones as it was made specifically for the company that distributed the case/psu. So if I upgrade my PSU, I will need to upgrade my case which will be another $100 or so here in SA.

Please advise a good plan to follow with this. It has become incredibly frustrating, but I would rather get performance over power consumption, so the 750ti is somewhat dead to me unfortunately.


It would be best to upgrade that PSU. It may cost more, but it's worth it. You don't want to put your entire system at risk.

A 270 or 270X (with a PSU upgrade) would probably be a good upgrade for you.

You could just wait, though, and upgrade your entire build at once. I don't know if that is an option for you, but an i5 would be a nice upgrade.