[SOLVED] R9 270x crossfire or R9 270x and R9 280x in crossfire.


Nov 24, 2012
Hi All,

I have following build.

AMD FX 8350 AM3+
Sapphire R9 270x dual-x 2GB GDDR5
Gigabyte 970A DS3 rev 3.0
Corsair Vengeance 1x8 GB DDR3 1600Mhz
Seagate Barracuda 1TB
Corsair VS650 Watts
Samsung DVD Writer
1x120mm fan, 3x120mm LED fan.

I am planning to get another card to run in crossfire. I need suggestion on,
Which will be better, two r9 270x in crossfire or r9 270x and r9 280x in crossfire?
Will my PSU be able to handle above either setup?

Thanks in advance.
Pretty sure xfiring and sli'ing the cards basically have to be the same card. Like you could not xfire a 280x and a 290x. You cant sli a 770 and 780. Doesnt work like that.
you cannot cfire a 270x and a 280x. either 2 280x's or 2 270x's. My advice would be a single 290 and that will give you better platform to sli that later on. The 280x or 270x if you sli now thats pretty much it. You arent really gonna get more performance out of it. At least with the 290 being more powerful you could sli that in a year or two.

I see now that you already have a 270x.....Hmm then yea i might go ahead and get another and xfire it.

Thanks for your reply. Why we cannot xfire 270x and 280x. I am planning to xfire those two for now, and in future replace 270x with 280x to get 2 280x xfire.
and that motherboard is TERRIBLE for crossfire because it has two PCI-E X16 slots but the second one is wired to run at 4x when the first one is in use so you'll be severely crippled in performance. If you want a decent crossfire then upgrade your motherboard

Thanks for your response. How much performance hit will I get? If I want to play games like crysis 3, metro last light, far cry 3, battlefield 4 with 60fps average at 1080p with ultra setting.

Im running it in msi afterbunner and it is running on two different speeds one on 280 and 1 on 270
your computer cannot run 2 different cards and benefit from it. The faster of the 2 always slows down to meet the slower card. Thats how it works and has always worked. If you're system is working then you are the first person i have ever seen or heard being able to run 2 different cards and them work and actually give an increase. The slower card cant do what the faster card can therefor actually slowing you down usually rather than helping.
would i be able to have different speeds on a saphire card (r9 270x) and an xfx card (r9 280)

the link listed for hardware Canucks is xfiring a 7970 and 280x which are the exact same card the 280x is just clocked higher. So of course a 7970 and 280x will work. Theory is as long as they are the same chip they can be linked but the faster card is slowed down generally to match the speed of the slower one.
I don't mean to necro this thread. It's only a few months old.

But seriously people. Especially with cards that have throughputs as low as those of the 280x and 270x. Quit perpetuating the notion that an x4 x4 crossfire will hurt performance. Let alone "cripple it."

High end cards like the hd 6990 in an x4 slot only lose about 2% performance. In an x8 its about 1%

(In all honesty... I think it's a marketing technique by companies to sell "premium" motherboards. All you're doing is perpetuating the falsification. A $300 "premium" motherboard does almost zero, and in some cases hurts, performance. All they have is features to support more peripherals and more peripherals at the same time...)

Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?persist_safety_mode=1&safety_mode=true&v=yeuJAOVRoA0

THE FPS I CAUGHT WAS THIS BIG! Liberate yourselves from your self perpetuated state of ignorance... (The use of the p word in excess was intentional... driving home a point.)
