hello i need to know how much power 2 r9 270x would take i allrdy got 1 and im planning on buying one more but when i look at psu's its only 8 pins for cpu i need 4 pin my mobo is a
ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0
i have been looking on this my self http://www.komplett.dk/cooler-master-g750m-750w-psu/795139 but is it enough to feet those 2 and have a little headroom ? my budget for a psu is 185 dollars
ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0
i have been looking on this my self http://www.komplett.dk/cooler-master-g750m-750w-psu/795139 but is it enough to feet those 2 and have a little headroom ? my budget for a psu is 185 dollars