R9 280X 3GB vs Two GTX 670'S 2GB

Marko Milanovic

Jul 5, 2014
Title says it all, should I keep my R9 280X and put in another one later or sell it and get 2 GTX 670's?

Power efficiency doesn't really matter just raw performance. I have a gold 1000 Watt PSU.
A pair of 670's would be faster than a single 280x by a significant margin. Youd have less VRAM though and depending on your resolution, that could be a problem. If youre still at 1920x1080 then it wont be a big deal but if youre going with multiple monitors then it could be as more and more games are using more and more VRAM. It also depends on how much youre getting those 670's for. If youre paying $350 or so for the pair, Id suggest you get a 290x or a GTX 970 instead.

So would you say that 2 R9 280x's would run well on like 2 - 3 monitors? Those monitors being 1080p or 1440p? And would they be able to run games on high/ultra on those monitors?