R9 280x and i5 4670k vs r9 290 and amd 8350?

I5 and 280x vs 8350 and 290?

  • AMD 8350 and AMD R9 290

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Intel Haswell i5 4670k and R9 280x

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 25, 2013
Building a pc for christmas time... Which one would give me best performance on newest major titles and future titles?
Deff the 290 with the 8350 just because the 290 kicks butt! The only reason id say the other combo is because of power consumption. the 290 and the 8350 are gonna use a combined 50 to 80 watts more than the other combo and possibly more.
The i5 4670k with the 280x will give you better gaming performance. The fx-8350 with the r9 290 will give you better application and rendering performance. You could go with a gtx 970 and an i5-4470.

The R9 290 and FX-8350 for the simple reason is games haven't been CPU bound in quite a long time while the extra GPU performance will be felt in the latest games.

this is wrong

The vast majority of new games have been cpu bound, the 8350 struggles to get past 40 fps in quite a few of those.

It is especially hard hit in multiplayer online releases.

Multi core optimized games are rare, and few use beyond 2 - 4 at most.


If by "struggles" you mean gets 85 FPS instead of 90? Then you are correct. If you mean cannot play the latest games? Then you are incorrect.



And of course from this very site..


Please do not spread FUD, it makes you look like a fanboy. As you can see the benches clearly show that is false and the FX-8350 keeps all the games quite playable and in many cases within a few FPS of the i5 and i7.


