R9 280x and Monitor wont detect


Oct 3, 2016
So I got a new motherboard, processor and RAM ( i7 6700 ASUS H110M-K DDR4 2100mhz )
After installing it, The Monitor won't detect. Its says "Generic PnP Monitor on Standard VGA Adapter" I did some reinstalling the driver and still can't fix it. Anyone can help me? Thanks!

i7 6700
Kingston DDR4 2100mhz
Samsung 23" PX2370
Your motherboard should have both a vga and dvi port. You may have to hit F8 at boot and run vga mode.
The i7 6700 has its own intergrated gpu. You may have to assign which GPU to use while plugged into the intergrated gpu in windows. Open up catalyst and change it to the card and your screen may go black. Then move your monitor cable back to your 280. You may also have to search though your bios to set the primary to your 280 instead of the intergrated.
Wait, I need to reboot it first before I go into the catalyst which means i wont be able to see and open the catalyst. How would I know? Cause i didn't install the driver yet.
I dont have VGA for my motherboard, Also, I tried the Graphics Configuration on bios, There is a selection if I need to choose the CPU Graphics, Auto or PCIE. I chose PCIE and yet my monitor didn't detect.