I have a QNIX 2710 PLS which is way cheaper than these name brands and can OC to 120Hz. No backlight bleed, 0 dead pixels, received in 3 days thru Amazon. They seem to have 98% positive feedback. ASUS is good, pricey, I have been seeing more issues with it in forums though. Other than that This is my favorite
http://www.amazon.com/Dell-U2713HM-IPS-LED-CVN85-27-Inch-LED-lit/dp/B009H0XQQY/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1412371587&sr=1-1&keywords=dell+1440p This has sturdier parts, is IPS, thin bezels, but it is too pricey if you ask me.
A 280x will be fine at medium-high with no AA. I'd probably get a 970 though for next gen stuff. Or you can find used r9 290s on Ebay for $200-250. $360 new.