r9 280x toxic for watchdogs ?


Jun 27, 2014
I would like to know if my pc could run watchdogs on maximun or ultra settings with at least 60 fps with an r9 280x toxic
Cpu i7 3770k
Ram 8GB kingston Hyperx blu
Mother asus v formula

I consider to buy this one vga cause where i live its reeeeealy more expensive to buy a vga
Looks like a 280X manages 54 fps average at 1920x1200, ultra settings, with SMAA. You might hit 60 fps average on the Toxic version, as it's overclocked from the factory and 1080p is a bit smaller than 1920x1200.

Watchdogs is really terribly optimized for PC hardware. Any other games should perform much better on a 280X, just so you know.
Yeah its actually very good compared to other cards! and as the game gets patched and drivers are better you would have nicer performance!,Toxic Edition is very popular and would keep your card cool while OverClocking *if you wish to do so* and has a nice straight forward Overclocking software! *even though you can use another*

I play games with my fps limited to 30, and that's fine. There's a noticeable difference of course, but nothing jarring.

I doubt you'll even notice a difference from 53-60 fps.
For reference, the PS4 and Xbox One versions both run at 30 fps.

Which GPU do you have ? is it reference design ?

msi tf gaming oc edition but how that can t reference all brands use the same chip and they are same except some brands got good oc possibilities like msi.

Actually some of them use a different PCB,The cooling fans,heatsink and heat spread along the card has a lot to do with it! and how far the card can be pushed!,but lets not hijack the thread ahah

So my card is s**t and screwed myself with 400$ damn

its your CPU, anyway a 770 on this game beats a 290 so I don't get how you struggling with it, try updating your mobo and antivirus and scan your PC man, you should be getting better performance with a 770

Thanks sorry for hijacking this thread but when i read that i was surprised

you do know with your rig, you'll get far higher FPS with a 770 than with a 280x, in Watch Dog and probably all Ubisoft games and other games running UE4 you could benefit more from a 770 than a 280x

Your cpu might be bottlenecking you. Also, I would suggest buying another 8 gb of ram.

Why more ram?

I'm guessing it's your CPU. Watchdogs devours the weaker/older Intel CPUs, and all AMD CPUs. Your 3350p is about equal to a haswell i3-4130 (source: CPUboss), so it's not on the performance tier of the stronger i3s or newer i5s.

The FX-8350 at stock clocks averages 50 fps, lower than any haswell i5 (perhaps barring the i5-4430, which nobody is benchmarking in Watchdogs) and about equal to a mid-range i3 such as the i3-4150.

Your i5-3350p is supposed to average roughly 40 fps on ultra at 1080p (extrapolated from the Watchdogs i5-3550 benchmark, compensating for reduced clocks). Barely 60 fps at 900p sounds about right.

To run it at 60 fps all the time, you'd want at least an i5-4460, an overclocked FX-8350, or an i3-4340 with HT enabled, no weaker (yes, those are all roughly on the same tier).

Also, 4xMSAA is a VRAM and performance killer in Watchdogs, as it uses a deferred rendering engine. Use shader AA and no more than 2xMSAA. Lose MSAA entirely if you can. MSAA is typically higher quality, but its mostly broken in deferred rendering engines, and forcing it just causes the GPU to bleed way too much performance.