r9-290 vs r9-290x vs GTX-780


Oct 25, 2012
Hey guys i'm wondering should i get a
MSI or ASUS r9-290 now for 580
wait for the r9-290x to go back down in price
or get a ASUS or MSI gtx 780 for 550?

i only have 600 and i can wait but not too long how long do you guys think it will be for an r9-290x to go back down in price?
Importing goods will depends on the taxes on your country some people forget to add the import tax in the price (and they surprised when the bill came, import tax bill usually collected by the courier later)

It could be cheaper or pricier depends on the goods / tax....
(so i cannot said much since I'm in 3rd world country. but I'm only importing goods when there no option to buy locally)

Hi - I expect it'll be a while before the 290x drops in price. I wouldn't wait.
I'd get the 780 now.

I think in near time toms will out the 290(x) round up review..

wait until it's out before buying, it will much clear then...
of course there will be benchmark data, and u will need custom cooler for 290(x),
what brand is the best?, tom's will try review it
if you want the best,you should wait for r9 290x. it trades blow with 780 ti,mind you,not the 780. but don't expect it to go down sooner,for as long as those mining activity like bitcoin the price won't easily drop in the near time. as of now,it's best that you get the 780 outright. you can always SLI the card if you feel like slowing down in the near future. the 780 is quite a beast itself anyway.
EVGA 780 967MHz model with ACX cooler.


Uber-mode for the R9-290X is similar to non-reference cards:

The OC'd 780's also perform 10% faster than stock, thus the card I linked almost EXACTLY MATCHES an overclocked R9-290X except it's not as noisy. A few of the R9-290X cards are okay for noise but most are just too loud.

I looked at several benchmarks to confirm this, and this graph is an average of about 18 games.

I know others will disagree, and vehemently, however I'm just trying to piece together FAIR pieces of data. It's possible that I'm incorrect but if so, not by much. I'm willing to concede the R9-290X might average as much as 5% faster but that could all change with any heat issues, and what is the PRICE DIFFERENCE now anyway?

The R9-290X is roughly $15 more expensive than a comparable GTX780, and an R9-290 is equal (in North America).

I find no information that the R9-290X is a better card when you compare two of the best cards from each of the R9-290X and 780 camps. If it is, it's a SMALL margin and other factors are more important such as:
- Noise
- Price
- Games?
- AMD-> Mantle
- NVidia-> Shadowplay, G-Sync, GameStream, PhysX

the TPU links u provide is 780ti review ("MSI GTX 780 Ti Gaming 3 GB") is that right one u intended to share??? (confused)

anyways in that TPU conclusion 290(non x) reference cooler is level with the 780 normal and they haven't review the 290(x) with custom cooler as far as i know....
(we know the amd reference cooler is suck and hinder the true potential of 290(x) card)

I don't know how can 780 a level with 290x, I don't know about pcpaper but TPU is decent reviewers i often use as guide along anandtech and toms...

u will need custom cooler with amd side, not worth wait/buy the 290(x) without it...

so i will still wait tom's reviews it not going to be long time
as it hinted in the last article "Does Radeon R9 290X Behave Any Differently In A Closed Case?"
they doing the testing

here the some hint's from tom's

alright so if i don't want to wait 780 heres my problem can a 780 run BF4 on ultra also i have 600 right now should i save up some more and get a r9-290x for 700 btw id probably go with ASUS or MSI for brands either way.
Also if i import it from another country would it be cheaper? i can wait for shipping
Importing goods will depends on the taxes on your country some people forget to add the import tax in the price (and they surprised when the bill came, import tax bill usually collected by the courier later)

It could be cheaper or pricier depends on the goods / tax....
(so i cannot said much since I'm in 3rd world country. but I'm only importing goods when there no option to buy locally)
